Sunday, May 1, 2011

US3: The rest is still unwritten....

A blank chapter gives the impression of progression from one cconcept of design to the temporary time period of design. The pages that not been written apon our waiting for our generation to become a past concept and its time period to take after the older generation. Mondernism....will it continue?

Let's See.....  

Earlier chapters inside this book will only give a couple examples of influential designers and their remarkable pieces for their time period. These influential designers were most likely rich and smart. So with the ideas of the earlier chapters only letting a few pages be formatted and edited for publishing we realize that these are the examples of design that pave the way for other desginers in the future. Without, the introduction of this book multiple chapters could not be created.  

The next chapters will fuse and combine the ideas from the design form the beginning of the book and revist them through new and unique pieces of architecture that the newer generation believe as art. And as the reader reads these pages of the next chapters following the beginning of the book they realize this concept by seeing similar construction in all the newer pieces of design. So the one reading are able to read and comprhend what others that were written about in the book could not live to see.

The most recent chapters in desgin realized that they would break the rules of just having a few elite and brillent designers rule the cause of design because in the 19th century the first fairs were being built. And everyone knows fairs are not run by extremely smart or rich individuals. More designers of all levels of social- economical statuses came together to create what I believe to be fair design. 

As I reflect back on the last design unit I realized that there was barely any mention of any king who built the structure in the presentation of how powerful he was, or a duke getting a famous designer to build him a palace out of stone. We loose the interpretation of status and educational status as the design world porgesses on this is why the final chapter leaves no room for designer discrimnation and opens the door for possiablities for anybody who dreams of design to go out and find a way to achieve thier desires. 


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