Monday, February 14, 2011

BP5-Dale Chihuly's Fiore Di Como's Bellagio Ceiling Decoration ( A Quatrain): Crafted Flowers of the Sky

Such harmony consists here among the flowers of composition and form.

Each colored emphasis creates such elegance and unity which only the flowers know may enrapture the will for distinct beauty. 

Molded to a texture of smooth waves builds an emotion of tenderness and sensibility which may entrance a specific desire to reach high for the flowers of the multi-colored sky.

Plastered to the sky is where the flowers lie but caught in layered harmony is where such a bewildering tempo lays.

The link to the crafted flowers:

Erin Matthews

1 comment:

  1. Erin, your poem is probably the most complex conceptually that I have read and I enjoy the layers of meaning you apply to each sentence. That being said, make sure that your sentences are transitionally cohesive. For example, you second prompt ends with the sky and you pick up that same story in the third prompt. But your first prompt ends with beauty, so maybe you could start the second prompt with how beauty is molded into a tender texture? Overall, good job. :)
