Friday, April 29, 2011

B14: My Design World*

I have the taste for expensive looking objects.My top favorite expensive object is a chandelier which displays glass that resembles elegant diamonds falling from the sky. With this object brings the memories of the past elegant decades in Europe especially England. I like the idea of the past elegance still being used today.

Building: In India, the architecture that are crafted in the buildings give an elegance that I love as well. The Taj Mahal has a welcoming to it as well, that makes any visitor to India desiring to explore inside. The detailing involved with the marble dome and the stands make this structure unique and one of the wonders of the world. The exterior design is nothing compared to the interior design and religious interior importance. I love buildings that were created for a specific purpose and has been around for awhile and many can still visit this location. 

Spaceopen space is a true beauty to me. Gardens that are laid across an open space with unique artistic designs crafted in the boundries gives me a certain smile and appreciation to the designer. I love the gardens of versialles its beauty makes me joyous and curious all at the same time. Because I wonder how can someone create something so beautiful.  The designs that are displayed with a body of water centered in the middle of the garden makes the entire space a glourious, and organized garden.

Place: the bahammas islands is a place that I have always wanted to travel to and stay at Atlantis. This resort is so magnificent to the tourism industry. Every since I was little I have always wanted to venture to see this huge resort for myself. The interior of this resort has viewing tanks that displays many different species of fish in a tank. The pools, bars, and beach all contribute to this place. The many different rooms and discoveries make this a number one on my lists of places to go.  

1 comment:

  1. Erin, for a non major you have quite a nice design voice but a lot of times your sentences become redundant because you either use the same words or you state the same point multiple times within a paragraph. For example, "the interior of this resort has viewing tanks that displays many different species of fish in a tank." There is no need to restate tank since you said the resort has viewing tanks. This may seem nit-picky but trust me, the words you choose are very important when presenting in front of a client or group of colleagues and depends on how seriously they take you. Also, I wish you would have added what time period each image you choose came from, it would put each entity in perspective with the class because you choose a really diverse range. Overall, great work.
