Wednesday, April 6, 2011

BP11: Monderism is it still Modern, Beijing?

This structure was created for the 2008 Olympics and it encompasses the idea of the "metal design" that many 20th century architectures used. The unique dome that holds a stadium that can hold up to 91,000.  I think that so many designers and people thought that modernism was so important at the beginning of the 20th century to be able to start building upon the future. Without their drive to discover new architectural techniques we would still be living in mud houses and driving horse buggies. Modernism is the desire to become more modern and begin to find the new centuries flavor and unique qualities.  

1 comment:

  1. Erin, I feel like you need to put more effort into this post, if it takes more time and thought for me to comment on your prompt then you're not putting enough time into it. First off, modernism is a slippery term because everyone thinks their designs are modern in some way even if they emulate the past. You mentioned metal design and I feel that is appropriate because one of the main benefactors of 'modern' design was the advent of new materials brought on by technology and machines. These machines made life easier, more efficient, and faster, allowing more free time to express our ideas verses intensive labor.
