Sunday, April 10, 2011

RR11: A urban park located right in the centor of New York

The Park of a Millon Acres

Central Park, Bird Eye View.(1853-83)
  • Central park is four million cubic yards with up to four to five million trees planted.
  • In 1872, its first year of operation, the park attraction ten million vistors.
  • Central park is designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux
  • Andrew Downing an advocate for landscape design believed that one could bring nature to the city in the forms of parks, but only if they were big enough to stimulate a landscape.

Around Central Park there are 29 sculptures found all across central park.

"And the most unusual and surrealistic place in New York City is Central Park. "

One day in this park will hold a lifetime of memories

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