Sunday, May 1, 2011

US3: The rest is still unwritten....

A blank chapter gives the impression of progression from one cconcept of design to the temporary time period of design. The pages that not been written apon our waiting for our generation to become a past concept and its time period to take after the older generation. Mondernism....will it continue?

Let's See.....  

Earlier chapters inside this book will only give a couple examples of influential designers and their remarkable pieces for their time period. These influential designers were most likely rich and smart. So with the ideas of the earlier chapters only letting a few pages be formatted and edited for publishing we realize that these are the examples of design that pave the way for other desginers in the future. Without, the introduction of this book multiple chapters could not be created.  

The next chapters will fuse and combine the ideas from the design form the beginning of the book and revist them through new and unique pieces of architecture that the newer generation believe as art. And as the reader reads these pages of the next chapters following the beginning of the book they realize this concept by seeing similar construction in all the newer pieces of design. So the one reading are able to read and comprhend what others that were written about in the book could not live to see.

The most recent chapters in desgin realized that they would break the rules of just having a few elite and brillent designers rule the cause of design because in the 19th century the first fairs were being built. And everyone knows fairs are not run by extremely smart or rich individuals. More designers of all levels of social- economical statuses came together to create what I believe to be fair design. 

As I reflect back on the last design unit I realized that there was barely any mention of any king who built the structure in the presentation of how powerful he was, or a duke getting a famous designer to build him a palace out of stone. We loose the interpretation of status and educational status as the design world porgesses on this is why the final chapter leaves no room for designer discrimnation and opens the door for possiablities for anybody who dreams of design to go out and find a way to achieve thier desires. 


RR13: Higher Technology- ohlala

Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, Centre Georges Pompidou. This is the prime manifestations of this approach of High Tech architecture. It is expressed as an inside out, so to speak.

  • High Tech maintains the art of exoskeletal buildings like pictured above. And he Pompidou is a maze of color coded air ducts, electrical conduits, and Plexiglas-enclosed escalators.  
  • The High Tech aspect of design in architecture as a "machine like sometimes compared to pure art.
  • Overall, this modern aspect of design interests me the most because it makes something so simple look futuristic and "high tech"

Santiago Calatrava, Lyon-Satolos TGV Terminal. The designers achieves forms suggesting organic forms in nature, like wings on a bird. The terminal actually looks like it could take flight as in the "high tech" aspect of this building is the fact that it could fly away.

I.M. Pei, The Grande Louvre, an exoskeleton of a pyramid of glass. This is majorly modern because it takes form of an ancient form but made completely more modern. This beautiful piece of architecture is placed in the center of old century France.

"High Tech" is a development of late Modernism which celebrates technical innovation and finesse. It's a continuation of that aspect of Modernism that used to be called "structural exhibitionism," which is the intent to astonish the viewer by unprecedented daring in sturctural form, or at least to elicit admiration for structure for its own sake. There was, you recall, also the intent of early Modern architecture to call attention to industrial components. The Bauhaus was "high tech" in this sense, with its repetitive, mass-produced glazing"
-Paul Malo

Friday, April 29, 2011

B14: My Design World*

I have the taste for expensive looking objects.My top favorite expensive object is a chandelier which displays glass that resembles elegant diamonds falling from the sky. With this object brings the memories of the past elegant decades in Europe especially England. I like the idea of the past elegance still being used today.

Building: In India, the architecture that are crafted in the buildings give an elegance that I love as well. The Taj Mahal has a welcoming to it as well, that makes any visitor to India desiring to explore inside. The detailing involved with the marble dome and the stands make this structure unique and one of the wonders of the world. The exterior design is nothing compared to the interior design and religious interior importance. I love buildings that were created for a specific purpose and has been around for awhile and many can still visit this location. 

Spaceopen space is a true beauty to me. Gardens that are laid across an open space with unique artistic designs crafted in the boundries gives me a certain smile and appreciation to the designer. I love the gardens of versialles its beauty makes me joyous and curious all at the same time. Because I wonder how can someone create something so beautiful.  The designs that are displayed with a body of water centered in the middle of the garden makes the entire space a glourious, and organized garden.

Place: the bahammas islands is a place that I have always wanted to travel to and stay at Atlantis. This resort is so magnificent to the tourism industry. Every since I was little I have always wanted to venture to see this huge resort for myself. The interior of this resort has viewing tanks that displays many different species of fish in a tank. The pools, bars, and beach all contribute to this place. The many different rooms and discoveries make this a number one on my lists of places to go.  

Sunday, April 10, 2011

RR11: A urban park located right in the centor of New York

The Park of a Millon Acres

Central Park, Bird Eye View.(1853-83)
  • Central park is four million cubic yards with up to four to five million trees planted.
  • In 1872, its first year of operation, the park attraction ten million vistors.
  • Central park is designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux
  • Andrew Downing an advocate for landscape design believed that one could bring nature to the city in the forms of parks, but only if they were big enough to stimulate a landscape.

Around Central Park there are 29 sculptures found all across central park.

"And the most unusual and surrealistic place in New York City is Central Park. "

One day in this park will hold a lifetime of memories

BP12: "A good design for all" who are running around with bottles and dirty diapers

Nurseries: I chose the space design of a nursery as a "good design for all" as far as accessibility to parents and in home baby care.
"A good design for all", in my book means that in this case the available space works to increase advantages for the users and creators of a certain space. In case of the actual user of a nursery, which are the parents and the infant being supported by the creation of the room, the space is definitely beneficial. From the organized drawers of diapers located below the changing table, to the rocking chair located near the corner to soothe a infant to sleep, a nursery has no negatives at all. In fact parents do not always have to be the occupants because baby-sitters and nannies can do their paid job inside the nursery as well. Now the positives for the users of the space are definitely infinite so is the actual designers experience of creation to form a unique and beautiful nursery. The designer can definitely gain word of mouth from nursery creations in neighborhoods and offices. The designer can also become known for the unique combination of color, the actual arrangement of nursery objects, and the total comfort of the nursery.

Overall, a nursery is a WIN-WIN situation!

Friday, April 8, 2011

US2: Architecture unfolds all it's futurastic tendencies

07 feb 2011
The beauty behind architecture,

Pastel Heavens.
when discussing the different cathedrals and places of worship from the world's past in class, I began to really visualize the concept that structures can hold more than a simple constructional meaning. A simple example of this is understanding the domes that can be found in many Gothic cathedrals in the 1400's. My examination of understanding the Florence dome created by Brunelleschi as a "heaven" was found in my RR7.  

"Brunelleschi's Dome can be compared to the world because of the significance of the interior artwork and the purpose of the cathedral in general as an earthly gate to heaven. I love the concept of this architectural concept that was taught to us in class on a perspective towards domes in places of worship"

I think that putting the actual symbolism of faith while fitting the actual symbols into the structure gives the architecture of faith a beauty that many can overlook. And once they are pointed out to an onlooker many just gaze in amazement at such a powerful message.    

 Music in Architecture?
it is actually nice to picture a building with a beautiful significance besides the interior decoration and artistic beauty. The beauty that is so unique and what most people might overlook on a daily basis is what music one might imagine to be played or sermonized inside a structure.

Music + architecture do play an important part with one another. and i believe that the tie between the two can give one a deeper feel for the actual structure.

When every detail that has a more deeper feel to the composition of a building/church comes together the entire structure can be mistaken for a building that one might have seen before but never witnessed before in their entire life.  

14 feb 2011

the first millennium ends
with many newly invented ideas constructed into unique structures,

new world maps to discover enlightened places.
the modern map for the new age begins and the roman empire begins to lead this age with power and evidence.  So most of the simple errors from the old ages are dropped for the more significant new ways especially when it comes to constructing a world map.

"The dark ages" have been shoved under the carpet for the more newly adapted ideas. For the massive societies and more vast structures. 

I think that the movement from one time period to another was interesting to study because there were so many changes that can be identified as extremely different types of architecture in the same cities and countries.

21 feb 2011-28 feb 2011
The eastern+ western design rule book,
is there really one? (Breaking of the rules?)

The Rules
these "rules" are found in the eastern and western parts of the world have been mended and not broken but adapted to the many changes in each of their societies.  I mean the most interesting things that I learned is that even though the societies of the east and the west were on the complete opposite side of the world they shared many characteristics.  

I believe that there is not a rule book in the sense of constructing a structure for one side of the world instead of the other, especially in our modern world of today. However back in the early years of the world there are definitely VERY obvious details that set apart the Asian from the French world just like the structures in Italy differ from the structures in South America.   


14 mar 2011
colonial expansion brings people + ideas together 
but a difference does exist.

coming across seas to combine ideas
 many different nations became interested in how other nations were creating thier structures. This time period gave many different socities that were so strict on tradition the diversity that they never imagined. Like swedish members of society creating chinese inspired gardens that very so extravagent and conceptually beautiful.

reaching across seas and contients creates the most diverse amounts of architecture ever. It also makes you travel to a different scoiety while remaining in another countient. I belive that this aspect in the worlds time period makes the world seem more as one. 

21 mar 2011

political, social, and cultural brings revolution and evolution to the world, 

industrial revolution
there were new ways to learn how to construct buildings and new ways of imagining how one building might operate from another. The concept of using metal to create many buildings and other structures came to terms with many new architectural items. I thought this idea of metal being so unique in those times so hilarous because that is what we use now a days so much in the construction of our buildings.

Overall,  the lesson for this unit is learning how the world might observe architecture and how other parts of the world use as well as observe thier own architecture as well as others. This is how modernism came into effect, and i believe that each one of these weeks left me wanting to learn why such a diverse world would become so particular to what they create. Because yes each nation has different architecture of music but the symbolism that is found in many architectural structures can be found in every building all around the world. So in fact the world is not that much archietecturally different than amny belieeve maybe, it is just that each nation has its particular brand that other nations find agrreable and marketable as well.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

BP11: Monderism is it still Modern, Beijing?

This structure was created for the 2008 Olympics and it encompasses the idea of the "metal design" that many 20th century architectures used. The unique dome that holds a stadium that can hold up to 91,000.  I think that so many designers and people thought that modernism was so important at the beginning of the 20th century to be able to start building upon the future. Without their drive to discover new architectural techniques we would still be living in mud houses and driving horse buggies. Modernism is the desire to become more modern and begin to find the new centuries flavor and unique qualities.